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          Keith Jarrett - Belonging 

Recorded 1974. Keith Jarrett's biographer, Ian Carr, refers to Belonging as "one of the greatest quartet recordings in jazz because everything about it is superlative: the compositions, the free-flowing interplay, the level of inspiration and the brilliantly focused improvising of all four musicians". Jarrett's slower compositions, "Blossom" and the beautiful two-minute title track, verge on sound-poetry; his up-tempo pieces are jaunty and often irresistibly joyous. The album as a whole is a faultless vindication of Jarrett's reputation for producing complex and subtle but wholly accessible music, delightful to jazz specialists and casual listeners alike. The quintessential European-quartet Jarrett recording, it not only gave its name to this particular band but set new standards for quartet jazz.
Simply indispensable.


          Thom Jones - The Pugilist at Rest: Stories jones

Plot, prose, philosophy, sentiment: Thom Jones writes intelligently, universally and boldly.


                     Peter Jennkins, Tod Brewster - The Century

                        For the Love of the Game: My Story by Michael Jordan


             Henry James - The Wings of the Dove

The Wings of the Dove is a classic example of Henry James's morality tales that play off the naiveté of an American protagonist abroad. In early-20th-century London, Kate Croy and Merton Densher are engaged in a passionate, clandestine love affair. Croy is desperately in love with Densher, who has all the qualities of a potentially excellent husband: he's handsome, witty, and idealistic--the one thing he lacks is money, which ultimately renders him unsuitable as a mate.


             B.S. JOHNSON: Christie Malry's Own Double-Entry

Science books

Just Six Numbers: The Deep Forces that Shape the Universe by Martin J. Rees


Essays, Biographies

  Joysprick: An Introduction to the Language of James Joyce by Anthony Burgess

Jack: Straight from the Gut jones by Jack Welsh


          Jesus Christ Superstar Jesus C. Superstar        DVD

Norman Jewison's screen adaptation of the Andrew Lloyd Webber-Tim Rice "rock opera," which was a smash on stage in the early '70s.
Carl Anderson as Judas who gives the best performance in the film. Wonderful songs, suggestive images.

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franc'O'brain & Transputer Qasar. 2005.